As I was planning for this trip, one of the things I considered was what do things cost and what would the "adventure" cost me. Everyone assured me that things would be a lot less expensive in Thailand so it would be no problem to live on my reduced budget. Or is it....
I'm staying at a very nice apartment hotel made for expatriates such as myself as well as some students from various countries. It's called the Evergreen place apartment. For my one bedroom apartment with a special discount for being affliatated with Chulalongkorn University I'm paying about $1,000 a month plus electricity (the cooling bill has not yet appeared). It's about 2700 baht or $80 a month for a computer hook up in the apartment. I could not do this if I had to go to the lobby, go to school or an internet cafe to use the computer. A team of cleaning women come each day (they come barefooted) and sweep the floors, make the bed, do the dishes. I have access to a gymnasium with an on-hand trainer, a laundry room. There is an on-sight restaurant which I used once but didn't like the hamburger so didn't go back.
A load of laundry neatly folded, stacked or put on hangers is about 375 baht or $11.
So far not so bad.
I take a taxi to school and the journey takes about 15 minutes even in early morning traffic. The cost is about 60 baht or $2. I come home by taking a hot pink "students" bus from the school to the Siam Center, a huge shopping complex about half a mile from my hotel apartment. It costs 2 baht. A real bargain.
Tonight I had a pizza delivered. The large size Hawaiian pizza with a thin crust, musrooms and a bun of garlic bread was 512 baht plus a tip. The size of the large pizza is about that of an American small pizza. I ordered it on line and it really was delivered to the hotel in less than 30 minutes. It comes complete with a about five squeeze packs of ketship but no grated cheese or hot peppers (I thought all food was hot here). So with tip it was about 580 baht or $17.50. Well, it's smaller than an American pizza, a little less expensive but they delivered. I can't get delivery where I live in Woodinville. Nor can I get cable television. Pizza tastes pretty good. The delivery company is The Pizza Company. Maybe next time I'll try the lasagna.
I've tried a donut or two or maybe three at dunkin donuts. I can a nice donut and a strawberry slush for 59 baht or $2. A nice snack on the way home for school. A Burger King double cheese burger with fries and a small drink is about 280 baht. So a little cheaper than a combo in the U.S.
My addiction to diet coke is a bit costly. And they don't have cherry diet coke. They do love coke zero which tastes funny here. A case of 4 six packs of cans costs me 350 baht or $11 at the little corner store by the hotel. I like going there because they are always so grateful for customers. I went to the 7 11 and they saw the bag in my hand and reminded me that they had the same cookies. Could I please buy from them? more convenient. So I have. We've made a deal that they will carry potato chips with ripples but not with the exotic flavors such as shrimp or onions and tomato. At home if I wait for the sales I can get a 12 pack for about $3.50 or $7 for a case. So we save in the U.S.
I can take the sky train to the end of the run and to the big Weekend market for a $1. Who needs a car, certainly not me. I'm walking a lot more here and hopefully losing some weight.
I can by a real Lesportsac bag for about $20 more than I pay at home. But a lovely related brand "lesport bag" that looks pretty much the same is only 180 baht or about $6.
Make-up is general more expensive here so if you come bring it from home. I figured out the prices on some make up I used. I have been using a Japanese brand called DHC which has some lovely olive oil that I like, great hand creams and nice makeup and night creams. So in the states, it is coming from Japan. Now I'm not a geographer but I think Thailand is closer to Japan than the U.S. But there is about 40% increase in the makeup. They did have a store at the mall but I didn't pay shipping in the U.S. So import costs must be higher here.
Now for the bargain:
Massage. I can get a one hour foot massage with a little back rub added at the end for only 180 baht. At the big discount mall the same treatment is twice is much at 360 baht. At a major hotel (I've checked out a couple, it goes up to around 1,000 baht or more. So the range is $6 to $30. I can get a Thai massage and they are wonderful at my corner massage store for 180 baht for an hour and 360 for two hours. You really need 2 hours for it to be done right. My store (yes I'm sounding like a local) has the gals and guys dressed in pink shirts. We'll talk about colors and how to dress in another posting. So for about $12 I can get all the kinks worked out. At home an hour massage is at least $60-$100. Now here I don't get a shower but I do get to wear special massage PJs for the Thai massage. Now this is living.
Silk. Thai is known for its silk products that are hand, rather than machine loomed. I got a beautiful hand made to fit hot pink silk short jacket for 4000 baht or $121. And a pocket for dog shoes. I also got a longer jacket with patchwork silk colors, two large pockets for about $150. I could have gotten a similar long jacket embroidered with Asian print for the same $121 I paid for the other jacket. All of these were negotiable. I decided to go to better shops because of the guarantee on tailoring and quality silk.
I am having two skirts, two sleeveless silk tops and skirts in hot pink and royal blue made at another shop for 7250 baht or $219. The skirts are long and flowing and hand tailored. I didn't have them made at the same shop as the jacket as they would have cost 100 more dollars.
Not always bargains
Tuk Tuk drivers are not always bargains. They seem to like the price of 50 baht to 100 baht. I'll take the cab with a meter and air conditioning unless I want a thrill ride or have lots of people to cram in the tuk tuk.
One thing that was harder to fine was someone to do acrylic nails. At home for a fill its about $20. and a pedigure is $18. But here it was close 2750 at a nailshop at the mall. I cared about quality and the use of sterile equipment so I found 20 Nail Studio at the Siam Paragon. Now the price somewhat shocked me because other personal services were so low. But I got a fill, two sets of the prettiest flowers hand painted on my nails. I think the flowers are growing. Tha nail artists are known for their expertise, a pedigree, a gel overlay. The nail artist took over 2 hours to paint my nails. Then the specialist painted the flowers in about four minutes. Truly lovely services and I'll go again but the sticker price was a little surprising.
So that's it from Bangkok. Vandra signing off
Seasons Greetings!
8 years ago
I want the someone to make my bed and do my dishes.
how much was the manicure and pedicure at 20 nail studio??
how much was ur manicure and pedicure?
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